As you brush and floss your teeth, do you notice that your gums are bleeding? If so, your first instinct may be to shrug it off. You might think it is normal or that you have brushed too hard. However, this is an indication that you have gum disease and you need to take immediate action with your dentist in Burleson. When an infection develops in the gum tissue, it must be treated promptly to prevent irreversible damage to your oral health. With 50% of adults suffering from a form of the condition, you need to be proactive about protecting your gums. At Marvel Dental, we offer the prevention and treatment you need.
Spot the Signs of Gum Disease with Your Dentist in Burleson
June 26, 2017
Dentists in Burleson: Use up Dental Insurance Benefits
November 23, 2016
Use your dental insurance benefits before 2016 draws to a close. Most dental policies cap plan benefits when the calendar year is over. Be sure to make an appointment with dentists in Burleson, Dr. Jay Oza or Dr. Shiv Kohli, at Marvel Dental to get the care you need and to use your insurance dollars wisely.